So this is a bit of a vent.
Yes right now I am pretty angry and right now I need to man bash a little. (sorry all the men who haven't upset me)
Basically why is it so hard to be a man sometimes? Why are there many little boys in the world and so few grown men?
I mean this is my list of qualities of a man, be it your father, brother, friend or your man should have, I really do not think it is too much to ask:
Care for the women in their lives. Being the stronger sex physically comes with some responsibility. That power should be used for good and not evil, not to intimidate women around you into doing what you say. Not to let a woman carry the shopping around on her own and watching her struggle. And never let a woman walk at night to the bus stop without accompanying her (at the very least).
Character in a man is hard to find. It is like it is too much hard word for the young boys these days on road. Takes too long to build. Better to go the easier route and pretend like you have character and to get the girl.
I mean you would think fathers these days would be the one to show character to their sons but some are too busy denying the responsibility of the child being theirs. No wonder a boy can't walk a lady to the bus stop these days, in the same way denying all responsibility of her getting home safely.
Where are the men who wore trousers and had grown into them?
Serious on New Years Eve, I was at a party at a friends house in London that went on till the early hours. One of my friends needed to get home and although the lights were up outside, she did not know how to get to the tube station. I suggested to one of the guys there that he would walk her as he knew the way.
His face was a bit startled, and he said, "...but it's light outside now."
I said, "but she does't know where she is going... couldn't you escort a lady to the bus stop?"
He did but grudgingly. He was a nice enough guy but it is almost like it would never cross his mind to even offer. But yet we have moved so much further in society, apparently.
And this is in the light... and I must say I have seen worse responses from boys when it is dark outside. It makes me think, is it selfishness? Do people only really care about themselves? Where were the days when man generally cared about the safety of a woman. Does independence mean that we need to be independent of men now?
I have met men who feel like if something is not in it for them, they would do nothing nice for you. I think this is very heart breaking from the days when men would be nice to women on the street just because they are women. Help her carry her shopping and maybe even tip their hat to her with a, "good morning ma'am."
Yes, equality didn't exist back then fine. But personally I think equality is over-rated as I don't want to be equal to a man, I want to be equal to a woman. I want to be a female and I want a man to open a jam jar for me and kill spiders in my room when I am scared. I want to be a woman with a voice who can speak and be heard by a man and respected. I want that type of equality only.
It is almost like there is a negative consequence to equality in this world and taking away our femininity and giving permission to men to act quite uncaring towards us as females....
Like if we can have a high paying job then we can open the jam jar ourselves.