Sunday 14 July 2013

So Thoughts What Are You Thinking????

So it is estimated that we have between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day (with statistics from the National Science Foundation), depending upon your level of creativity, personal and professional problem solving skills, your career and whether you tend to be a thinker. That averages out to approximately a thought every 2.5 seconds if you take the average person from this statistic who thinks 36,000 thoughts per day.

The question is, what do our thoughts look like right now? Boris Johnson's hair? A supermodel? The Apprentice boardroom? Your gloomy shadow? We have to identify where we are at mentally to order to correctly assess ourselves and make a change if necessary. Also, how are our thoughts affecting us as a whole person? Is there a pattern of negative thought which leads to more negative consequences in your life? Like a building a elaborate mansion in the middle of a busy motorway road?

There are serious mental conditions that can lead to racing thoughts, anxiety, consistent pessimism and depressive thoughts, which are sometimes difficult to control. From research on this issue, people have said helpful ways to combat this is often the 'Stop Technique' which is saying to yourself, "STOP", out loud until the persistent thoughts stops completely. Another technique that is used is to have reaffirming and positive quotes around you to reaffirm good thinking patterns.

I have a personal opinion, that we all need type of this intervention in all of our thinking patterns to some extent regardless of the severity of the impact of our thoughts on our daily lives. The reason I believe this strongly is I have recognised an overall positive change in my life since I have been very cautious regarding which thoughts I let enter into myself, to move the furniture around and set up home. So we should all be halting negative thoughts and reaffirming good thoughts to some extent.

I challenge many thoughts which come into my head in a very practical and logical way like, "Ok negative thought interesting you think that, why? What evidence do you have to prove that? What contrary evidence is there?" I don't let my negative thoughts get away with much, they have to be on trial, whilst the positive ones can run free in my head and they can have as much fun as they want. If the negative thought have fought hard to be there, and has given good evidence to win the case then I only let it stick around to propel me forward to become better next time, and only draw upon its nastiness only when necessary and when I have a plan of action to not let this justified negative thought win again.

It is about being honest with yourself but humans do have a tendency to dwell in the pit of despair of negative thoughts instead of celebrating achievements along the way. It is estimated that 70-80% of our thoughts on a daily basis are negative. So that is completely unfair to the good and uplifting thoughts that want to carry us through the day to make us think about a better future for ourselves.

Recently, I have had a few people comment on my confidence and how I can help them improve there's, so that got me thinking about the main things that I can attribute a healthy confidence. One thing that stood out most upon reflection is the way I speak to myself. I give myself permission to say very nice things to myself often. I know I am British and I am not supposed to say this and instead I should put myself down constantly, but really I know doing this definitely does not improve confidence. So I celebrate who I am on a daily basis and strengthen my positive thoughts by reading inspirational stories, books and quotes about the human experience. I apply them in my life where I can and I live with a smile and a very loud laugh whenever I can manage it.

Some days are hard regardless. That I do understand, but still don't let negative thoughts win your whole mind like it is a shrewd lawyer that tricked you into signing a life sentence. It is lying, tear up that contract and write yourself into who you want to be. Know that crying only happens for a short while so you can appreciate joy so much more. There is always something positive that comes out of the most negative situations. So focus on that, starting with being positive at least 50% of the time, maybe going unto to 70-80%. Now that would be a nice, peaceful mansion to live in.

“Always focus on the front windshield and not the review mirror.” 
― Colin Powell

“Our way of thinking creates good or bad outcomes.” 
― Stephen Richards

“Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about.” 
― Stephen Richards

“Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have that we fail to see, appreciate, and use what we do have!” 
― Jeff Dixon

Here are some of my genuine thoughts I tell myself on some days:


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