Thursday, 2 July 2015


Why stay in someone else’s world of torture and pain, when you can have your own world of peace and serenity? This move is only a small step away in your mind. The dark places of someone’s thoughts can lead to a place where you are being drawn in to be bound as opposed to being set free. You have the option of accepting that invitation or kindly rejecting it for a better offer. Only accept an offer you envision will bring you joy and harmonious love. You create your own peace.

That is our power of being, which is our birthright. The power of choice. If you have many options before you then you are very powerful as you don’t have to compromise on your vision but you can choose the very best for your individualised state. Power is a state of mind where if you lack the connection to this birthright, then you have little choice of options and life just happens to you. There are always many options, the problem comes when you cannot see it and instead coming from a mindset of lack when you think there is not enough of what you want.

You can envision a life where there are traumas and strife or you can envision a life where there is peace and harmony among all you meet. Vision is powerful, otherwise you are blind. To be in constant communication with yourself about what you see is difficult, but yet so powerful. You gain more information about yourself and analyse your states of being, considering which states work for you and which parts of yourself need to be gone to gain peace. You become accomplished enough through insight to create your own peace, within you, not among other people’s opinions and their ever changing emotional states around you. To have vision and to choose wisely according to what you want to see, that is true power.

You can take responsibility over life or instead allow life to constantly happen to you. Life can leave you feeling very bruised or it can reward you with a crown after you prove yourself worthy of this testing challenge of simply being alive and present in each moment. It can leave you broken, or it can create opportunities to build others up. Whichever road of thought journey you choose to take is exactly where you will end up. Although, I sincerely hope you don’t get lost in your journey with impaired visuals and ending up crashing terribly with burn scars to remind you of your loss of control.

You don’t need to destroy to create. Sometimes, the necessity of destroying to begin a creation is a certainty. Other times, it is a complete waste of time and unnecessary heartache. Sometimes, you are so rigid in your thinking these drastic physical events have to occur around you to change the direction your old mindset was taking you to then bring you to a better place.Good judgement decides if you build or if you break. To carry a memory of a level of brokenness is beneficial to others, yet make it only a memory. It is much more rewarding living in wholeness and freedom than permanently in your messy memory closet.

Suitable options may come your way. They may make sense logically in your current thought process, yet, they are not the best option for achieving your optimal state as a human being on this earth. These suitable options, if we strip them down, are really compromises because you were too afraid to reach the heights of your level of understanding and push to become the very best you can be. They were the comfortable choices or the choices that were put on your plate. You were too impatient or blind to hold out for the dream that is not yet in sight but is surely coming. You can choose to build your foundations in life strongly upon solid ground or you can compromise with the first discounted deal you come across which crumbles under your feet at the first sign of trouble.

It can be right, but still wrong. The reason being is that there are levels of understanding. When you raise your understanding the whole game changes into a paradigm shift of new opportunity. You can meet ‘the one’ but you are in a place of so much fear and doubt that you lose what was meant for you. It just slips from your hand. It was meant for you but you were unprepared to enjoy such a perfect gift of sunshine filled day when inside you were such a storm attracting more lightening bolts. You let it pass. You heal. You learn. This time you decide to love yourself first which consequently opens you up to love someone else properly.

Love is a selfless act on both parts, although not loving yourself is a compromise. Some people are not their true selves in love, they become whatever someone else wants them to be and end up losing themselves completely. People may think they want to clone of themselves in a partner, but really, individuality is the spice of life. If someone senses your lack of power to create your own world in your life and they finally succeed in cloning you into an image of themselves, then robotic boredom kicks in. Passion involves a level of uncertainty and spontaneity of not knowing what can happen next with another being’s individual thoughts and desires.

Creation is difficult. That is why many choose to be part of someone else’s creation instead, it’s a lot easier, although you give up your power similar to the government putting up new corrupt laws for citizens to obey, based on what is most beneficial to those at the top with the most power (aka the choice to decide your future as well as theirs). In the beginning stages of your life, it may be comfortable to give away your personal power but it is not in your best interest to do so in the long term. How can you be sure the person holding the strings are not in it for their own reasons, instead of thinking what is most beneficial for you in your life? It takes an exceptionally selfless person to not think about their desires when they have the power to rule over you. The way to avoid this is to create yourself.

You can only visualise value if you consider yourself valuable. If you value yourself, then people treat you differently without even realising why. You are emitting an indescribable energy that shows where you stand in full acceptance of yourself. They won’t to be in your world if they cannot fit in with your rules as written out clearly on certain frequency levels you emit. You will repel what is unsuitable for you and attract all the blessings if your foundation is strongly built upon personal value.

You can envision all the elements of your future life with precise detail and create the sight in your mind’s eye of what you prefer to see and then choose accordingly. Or you can choose to sit on your bum and watch telly as the screen slowly corrupts your subconscious mind and numbs the end of your brain cells, completely obvious to the chaos and destruction caused in your midst. You are disengaged from critical thinking at that point, unless you are very smart and can surpass the brainwashing of the media into some depths of learning. You can learn from corruption to have insider knowledge and hence more power (aka choice) over your next options.

When someone attempt to come into your life, they can’t bring drama because you are not in that space and will no longer connect with such behaviour. Hence, you will walk away or they will - most likely you will. Applying this principle romantically, you’ll be left with a suitable partner that bring unspeakable joy alone into your being because that is what you are willing to accept. You’ll keep that one!

So, create your world with enough space to fit someone else in but don’t compromise by squeezing into someone else’s vision without bringing any of your dreams along to cushion the journey. If your dreams can’t fit into someone else’s life then neither can you! Losing your dreams means losing your purpose and the fragrant essence of who you are. Let the main things that matter most to you not be pushed aside and consider unimportant by someone around you who says that they love you. Love is not selfish.

Do you not know that your are fine dining gourmet food and an elite, rare jewel? You are worth the hefty price of true love and being made a fuss over. Don’t accept anything less. Everyone is trying to get a bargain in this world, make sure your value stays at full price. Don’t compromise that for anyone. Then, let the love negotiations be fair. Give and take. The world is held in a balance of gravity, how much more does our life need to be balanced perfectly in the same way. The balance starts in the mind and your thoughts, and radiates out like a sun ray of hope for the future.

There is no power struggles in real love. You both stand complete in your individual power and hence love each other as an equal. Be true to your dreaming.

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